
Club: Woodcote FC
Website: https://www.woodcotefc.co.uk/
Nickname: Cote
FA Charter Standard Level: N/A
Chair person’s name: Pete McAlister
Chair email : mcalisp@ntlworld.com
Chair phone number: 07793935765
Club secretary name: Michael Higley
Club secretary email: michaelhigley@hotmail.com
Club secretary phone: 07868720995
Match secretary name: Michael Higley
Match secretary email: michaelhigley@hotmail.com
Match secretary phone number: 07868720995
Programme editor name: Sam Peates
Programme editor email: sampeates@gmail.com
Programme editor phone number: 07710858366
Manager name: Andy Silver
Manager email: andrew.silver@KONE.com
Manager phone number: 07793658769
Joint first team manager name:
Joint first team manager email:
Joint first team manager phone number:
Home Shirts: Black & White Stripes
Home Shorts: Black
Home Socks: White
Goalkeeper: Blue
Change Shirt: Red
Change Shorts: White
Change Socks: Red
Goalkeeper Alt: Green
Name of Home Ground: The Recreation Ground
Home ground address: Reading Road, Woodcote, Oxfordshire
Postcode: RG8 0SD
Ground phone number: N/A
Directions to ground https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Woodcote,+Reading+RG8+0SD/@51.5337466,-1.072724,373m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x48769714f43a3291:0x10b32ebb7968bdac!8m2!3d51.5336897!4d-1.0723744