Club: Feckenham F.C.
Nickname: The Millers
FA Charter Standard Level: N/A
Chair person’s name: Peter Phillips
Chair email : petephi@btinternet.com
Chair phone number: 07791971892
Club secretary name: Linda Rogers
Club secretary email: feckenham.united@btinternet.com
Club secretary phone: 07791971892
Match secretary name: Matthew Phillips
Match secretary email: matt.phillips85@yahoo.com
Match secretary phone number: 07792857256
Programme editor name: Linda Rogers
Programme editor email: adnil.rogers@hotmail.com
Programme editor phone number: 07732268840
Manager name: Glen Adams
Manager email: feckenham.united@btinternet.com
Manager phone number: 07778326307
Joint first team manager name: Matthew Phillips
Joint first team manager email: matt.phillips85@yahoo.com
Joint first team manager phone number: 07792857256
Home Shirts: green / white
Home Shorts: black / white stripe
Home Socks: green
Goalkeeper: blue
Change Shirt: red /white
Change Shorts: white / red stripe
Change Socks: red
Goalkeeper Alt: yellow
Name of Home Ground: Mill Lane
Home ground address: Mill Lane, Feckenham, Worcestershire
Postcode: B96 6HY
Ground phone number: 07791971892
Directions to ground