Easington Sports Dev

Club : Easington Sports Development FC
Website : https://www.easingtonsportsfc.com
Nickname : The Clan
FA Charter Standard : FA Charter Standard Community Club
Chair email : Richard Meadows
Chair e-mail : Richard.meadows2005@gmail.com
Chair phone : 07748 152785
Club secretary : Jamie Hunter
Club sec e-mail : Secretary@easingtonsportsfc.com
Club sec phone : 07791 681204
Match day secretary : Jamie Hunter
Match day secretary e-mail : Secretary@easingtonsportsfc.com
Match day secretary phone : 07791681204
Programme Editor : Jamie hunter
Programme Editor e-mail : Secretary@easingtonsportsfc.com
Programme Editor phone : 07791681204
Division – Team 1 : Div 2
Division – Team 2 :
Manager : James Hastie
Manager e-mail : jameshastie85@gmail.com
Manageer phone : 07500062052
Joint manager :
Joint manager e-mail :
Joint manager phone :
Shirt : Red and white
Shorts : Red
Socks : Red and white
Keeper shirt : Blue
Keeper shorts : Blue
Keeper socks : Blue
Away shirt : Yellow and black
Away shorts : Black
Away socks : Yellow and black
Away keeper shirt : Orange
Away keeper shorts : Orange
Away keeper socks : Orange
Ground Name : Easington Sports FC
Address : ESFC Addison Road, Banbury
Ground Phone Number : 07791681204